Tuesday 11 June 2013

Day And Night

John 9:4; “As long as it is DAY, we must work the work of Him who sent me. NIGHT is coming when no-one can work”.

From this Biblical truth, I would like to pen down new insights using the day and night from the above scripture as it relates to youthful period which symbolizes the day and old age, the night. So hear me as I speak!

As long as it is DAY, Work!

The day is a period of activities, it is a period when men wake up to make things happen. It is never a period to waste time. It is a period where things are most achievable.

The day is simply the youthful period. It is the period to work, the period where more can be done. A youth who waste the day (the days of ones youth) will live to regret the night.

The period of the day can only be experienced once. In other words, you can only be a youth once. Once a youth, never a youth!

So, if you are a youth, rejoice, you are in the period of the day. The period where strength is available to choose to decide how you want your night to be. It is a time of early beginning. It’s the period that determines the wellbeing of the night; it is the period that determines the beauty, glory or shame of the night. It is the period where permanence is gained of which you can’t change in your night what you have spent the period of your day (the time of your youth) to write.

While listening to Bro Gbile Akanni message titled “Battle for the Young”. He said; “Everything that is your destiny is rooted in your youth”

So, as you keep on living in the day (your youthful period), know that;

NIGHT is coming;

Usually the night is not a time to work or for any activities, it is a period of rest from the labour of the day. In marketplaces, men and women pack their goods inside the store seeing that night has come. No more activities in the night. Whatever the seller achieves in the day, he enjoys in the night. So, for gains to come in at night, the day must be wisely spent.

Like I stated earlier, the period of the day is ones youthful time and no one can be a youth twice, it can only be once. The night is the old age. No one grows up and not grow old.

The look of the night season will be as a result of the use of the day. Because permanence is gained in the course of the day (in the period of one’s youth as a result of how you lived your life), nothing can be undone in the night. It is either a lasting regrets or a lasting enjoyment as a result of the wise use of the day.

I have seen some old men working tirelessly in their night season when they should be enjoying. Many of which fails to use their day (their youth period) wisely and are they struggling in their night. Many wasted their day on pleasures and things that has led them to nothing.

Here this wise word; “Open your eyes in the day to close it in the night or close it in the day and you will live to open it in the night”. I believe you have the understanding of this word. When you open wide your eyes in your youthful period, which symbolizes the day, knowing and becoming all that God purposed for you, you enjoy your old age which stands for the night in pleasure and fulfillment and vice versa.

So, the choice is yours! Enjoy the day in pleasure and work in the night in total struggle and pains. This is the time YOU CAN. A time will come YOU CAN NO LONGER.

And above all hear what Jesus said:

John 15:5;
I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. WITHOUT ME, YOU CAN DO NOTHING.

Remember this word and your night will be pleasant!

Remain Blessed!!

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