Thursday 25 April 2013


The whole creation of man is complete creation of purpose. The importance of every creation of God is the purpose behind them. Every one of us is created on purpose for a purpose – Uma Ukpai.

The discovery of your purpose is the most fulfilling and satisfying discovery in life. Your purpose is your assignment. Discover the flame God has set inside of you and keep it burning. People enjoy your service in the place of your purpose. You can only do good at the place of your purpose.

Nothing God made exists without a particular purpose they are meant to serve, be it living or non-living. The purpose of  air condition serves is to cool any environment it is being placed and whenever you find you get to where it is serving its purpose, you don’t want live there. Why? Because it was made for that purpose and its serving it.

Why studying the book of Genesis, I discover that the purpose of the Land is to produce living creatures (Gen. 1:24-25) according to their kinds, wild animals and the likes. The Land was made to produces vegetation, seed – bearing plants and trees. The Land was not just made to be thread upon, but to bring out something. When a man functions at the place of his purpose, he bears fruits and greater work is a must. All of God’s creation ( in the book Genesis) were created on purpose for a purpose.

And God said in (Gen 1); “let’s make man in our own image and let them rule……” The making of man is a making of ruler ship. The best place a fish can enjoy itself is when is in the fish, so also the bird when is in the sky. That’s the way they are made and they do well in it.

Without a reason, the existence is of no value. How many of you know why you are existing? What has God created you to solve? Or are we just adding to the confusion or our family?, confusion of our community? There is no short cut to a life of excellence without a vision. If you live for nothing, you become nothing. Like a friend once said that “Purpose which births vision is the essence of life. Your purpose is greater than you; it existed before you (see Jer. 1:5).

As Rick Warren noted “God was thing of you long ago before you ever thought about him. His purpose for your life predates your conception. He planned you before your existence, without your input! You may choose your career, your spouse, your hobbies and many other part of your life, but you don’t get to choose your purpose”
Jeremiah never knew his purpose until it is revealed to him. Until it is revealed, you are not yet living! The discovery of your purpose (your divine assignment) goes far beyond looking within yourself. You will miss it all wrong doing that. A product is not design to know why it is made of, it is only the maker that can say with no mistake what needs is product is meant to serve or meet. Your mind is too small to discover that.
While meditation the first chapter of the book of Jeremiah, the Lord laid few things on my spirit;
·         The discovery of your purpose makes you active – Jer. 1:7
·         There is an empowerment and impartation that comes when you have discovered your purpose – Jer.
·         The understanding of your purpose makes you see clearly – Jer. 1: 11-13
Just like there is nothing God made that is not purposeful, so also everything man made (i.e. the I-pad, computers, aircraft etc). It takes a life that has discovered his purpose to live a life that counts but it’s quite unfortunate that many are suffering from the effect of purposelessness.
What voice are you? John was the voice crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord…. That was his purpose. It was because of that purpose that the angel announced his birth to Hezekiah, the husband of Elizabeth. You know, people had to come from afar even to the wilderness to hear from John. Why? Because he was at the place of his purpose. Let me quickly say this that your voice can best be heard at the place of your purpose. The discovery of purpose and laboring within it distinguishes you.
You are sent! Discover why and where you are sent to. The real you is in your inner purpose. You must discover your pre-ordained duty to justify your existence. If you truly want to live, you have labour within your purpose.
Knowing God is inevitable to becoming all that you are sent to be. John 15:5 “Without me (God) you can do nothing. Discovering and pursuing in the understanding of your purpose makes you a generational hero. You become a problem solver like Joseph. People always want to hear from you like John the Baptist. Ask from God, Discover yours today and go about doing greater works!

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